
  1. What are the levels of inflation?
    • Light Inflation (Creeping Inflation)
    • Medium inflation (Galloping Inflation)
    • High Inflation (Hyper Inflation)
  2. Who is the father of Macroeconomics?
    John Meynerd Keynes
  3. What are the types of unemployed by length of working time?
    • Unemployment (disguised unemployment)
    • Unemployment is underemployed (under unemployment).
    • Open unemployment.
  4. Explain about fiscal policy and monetary policy?
    • Monetary policy is the policy of directing the macro economy to a better (desirable) condition by varying the money supply.
    • Fiscal policy is the policy of directing the macro economy to a better (desirable) condition by altering Government revenues and expenditures
  5. Mention the 3 market models
    • Labor market
    • Markets of Goods and Services
    • Money Market (Financial)
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